1. Color Palette

    Delve into the refined elegance of our Quartz color palette, meticulously curated for you. Explore the spectrum of timeless hues and captivating finishes designed to elevate your spaces with sophistication.

  2. Brand Manual

    Our Brand Manual serves as a comprehensive guide outlining the essence, values, and visual identity of our brand. This manual ensures coherence and authenticity in every interaction with our audience.

  3. Care & Maintenance

    Discover essential care and maintenance tips tailored specifically for PACIFIC’s Mineral Infused Slabs.

  4. Technical Data

    Unveil the intricate details and technical prowess behind Pacific's mineral-infused surfaces that helps you to make informed decisions.

  5. Fabrication Manual

    Your ultimate resource for mastering the art of fabricating our premium surfaces. Packed with detailed instructions, expert tips, and invaluable insights, this manual is your indispensable companion throughout the fabrication process.

  6. Safety Data Sheet

    An essential information on the safe handling, storage, use, and disposal of Quartz. It is intended to assist individuals and organizations in understanding the potential hazards associated with Quartz and implementing appropriate safety measures to minimize risks to health, safety, and the environment.